Frost Tolerance: Mature plants survive to 10° F.
Broccoli is wonderful vegetable that grows better in cooler climates and higher altitudes. Our non-hybrid varieties produce a second crop of side buds long after the center has been harvested.
Brussels sprouts become sweeter and more tender after temperatures fall below freezing. We mark our plants with tall sticks so sprouts can be found and harvested in deep snow.
Cabbage is the "prince of plants". Store cabbage in the garden by twisting the head until the stem cracks. This stops further growth while allowing the cabbage to remain alive and fresh for later harvesting.
To grow great cauliflower plant with at least 24" spacing, water frequently, side-dress with compost and tie outer leaves together to shield new heads from the sun.
Kale is one of our most dependable sources for vitamins and minerals. Frost improves its flavor. Mark in fall to facilitate finding delicate fresh greens in waist-deep snow.
Pak Choi (Bok Choy) translates from chinese into "white cabbage". Its solid-white stems topped with dark-green leaves resemble a broad-stemmed celery. Delicious in stir-fry meals.